240Accelerated Testing: ESS, HALT and HASS
166Applied Measurements
166/164Applied Measurements for Electrical Instrumentation
134Calibration Laboratory Operations
230Climatic Test Techniques
471Cooling Methods for Electronics Design
320Corrosion Control Techniques
324Corrosion Prevention Compliance for Defense Acquisition Requirements
196Digital Data Acquisition
197Digital Signal Processing and Data Analysis
131Dimensional Calibration Procedures
199DSP: Digital Signal Processing
136Electrical Instrumentation Calibration Procedures
104Electronics for Non-Electronic Engineers
104/105Electronics for Non-Electronic Engineers (with Digital Electronics)
435Engineering Statistics
450Environmental Test Specifications
450/451Environmental Test Specifications/Understanding MIL-STD-810
425Environmental Testing Procedures
172Fiber Optic Systems
138Fiber Optics and Optical Calibration
157Fixture Design for Vibration and Shock Testing
157-3Fixture Design for Vibration and Shock Testing (on-site version)
117Fundamentals of Vibration for Design Applications
116/117Fundamentals of Vibration for Test and Design Applications
116Fundamentals of Vibration for Test Applications
D116Fundamentals of Vibration for Test Applications (Distance Learning)
537Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) Applications and Tolerance Stacks
535Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) to ASME Y14.5 - 2009
173Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
161Grounding and Shielding Techniques for EMI, EMC and ESD
164Instrumentation for Electrical Test and Measurement
163Instrumentation for Test and Measurement
536Intermediate/Advanced GD&T
419Introduction to Ethics
132Measurement Uncertainty
108Mechanical and Structural Theory
310Mechanical Design for Product Reliability
142/195Mechanical Shock and Modal Test Techniques
142Mechanical Shock Techniques
130Metrology Concepts
195Modal Analysis for Structural Validation
P100Preparatory Segment
421Principles of Project/Systems Engineering
472Printed Circuit Board Design, Manufacturing and Testing
311Product Quality Techniques
171Telemetry Systems
162Test Procedures for EMI/EMC/ESD
820Theory and Practical Application of Pump Technology
825Theory and Practical Application of Valve Technology
133Thermodynamic Calibration Techniques
110Thesis Presentation and Review for TTi Specialist Diploma
105Understanding Digital Electronics
139Understanding ISO 17025
451Understanding MIL-STD-810G
194/196Vibration and Shock Test Control Techniques
Short Topics
425T (425T)
D116Student Workbook (D116) Workbook
157310 - 2 Dynamic Force and Motion (157)
3204 Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part I (320)
3209 Properties of Metallic Materials, Part I (320)
1999 Transforms (199)
1618(optional) Guarded Voltmeter (161)
1971A Brief Data Acquisition Review (197)
240APP DA Brief History of ESS (240)
142/195APP BA Brief Run through an EMA Computer Session (142-4)
195APP BA Brief Run through an EMA Computer Session (195)
1425A Closer Look at Shock (142)
142/1955A Closer Look at Shock (142-4)
1992A Model of a DSP System (199)
162APP AAbbreviations and Glossary (162)
173APP AAbbreviations and Glossary (173)
P1003EAC Circuits, Phasors (P100)
116/11715Accelerated Testing (116/117)
11712Accelerated Testing (117)
42511Accelerated Testing (425)
4505Accelerated Testing (450)
1668Accuracy and Error (166)
166/1646Accuracy and Error (166/164)
1646Accuracy, Calibration and Error Assessment (164)
1635Accuracy, Calibration and Error Assessment (163)
194/1964, Course 196Accuracy, Precision, Errors and Dynamic Range (194)
1964Accuracy, Precision, Errors and Dynamic Range (196)
4257Acoustic Environmental Testing (425)
1995Acquisition of the Signal (199)
42510Additional Climatic Testing Procedures (425)
1348Administrative Requirements (134)
17110Advanced PCM (171)
17313Agricultural Applications of GPS (173)
194/1968, Course 196Alias Protection (194)
1968Alias Protection (196)
1996Alias Protection, Filters and Filtering (199)
P1003DAlternating Current — Series and Parallel (P100)
10421Amplifier Fundamentals (104-3)
104/10519Amplifier Fundamentals and Considerations (104/105)
1637Amplifiers and Signal Conditioners (163)
1648-1Analog and Digital DC and AC Meters (164)
166/1648-1Analog and Digital DC and AC Meters (166/164)
10411Analog and Digital Meters and Oscilloscopes (104-3)
104/1059Analog and Digital Meters and Oscilloscopes (104/105)
163APP EAnalog Oscilloscope Controls (163)
164APP EAnalog Oscilloscope Controls (164)
166/164APP EAnalog Oscilloscope Controls (166/164)
1053Analog vs. Digital (105)
104/10525Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion (104/105)
194/19610, Course 196Analog-to-Digital Converters (194)
19610Analog-to-Digital Converters (196)
157157 - 12Analysis of an L-Fixture (157)
1977Analysis of Transient Tests (197)
4514Annexes B, C, D Guidance for Program Management and Environmental Tailoring (451)
171RRQAnswers to Review questions (171R)
320APP AAnti-Corrosion Guidelines for Naval Avionic Systems (320)
13810Application of Eye Diagrams (138)
17211Application of Eye Diagrams (172)
1726Application of Optics to Telecommunications Systems (172)
1386Application of Optics to Data Transmission System (138)
1084Application of Vibration Theory (108)
4507Applying Environmental Test Standards (450)
164APP DASCII Codes (164)
166/164APP FASCII codes (166/164)
47213Assembly (472)
1734Atomic Clocks (173)
1344Audits and Accreditation (134)
82017Avoiding Pump Seal Failure (820)
1638Avoiding Unwanted Signals (163)
16416Avoiding Unwanted Signals (164)
142/1956Background and Theory of Modal Testing (142-4)
1951Background and Theory of Modal Testing (195)
194/1965, Course 194Basic Analysis and Control Tools (194)
3111Basic Concepts (311)
1963Basic Concepts and Terminology (196)
194/1963, Course 196Basic Concepts and Terminology in Data Acquisition (194)
194/1961, Course 194Basic Concepts and Terminology in Test Control (194)
3201Basic Concepts in Physics and Chemistry (320)
1712Basic Concepts: Decibels (dB), Sensors, Filtering (171)
4723Basic Electronic Components (472)
157157 - 7Basic Fixture Types (157)
4711bBasics of Heat Transfer, Electronic Cooling, and Thermal Design (471)
11610Basics of Spectral Analysis (116)
116/1179Basics of Spectral Analysis (116/117)
82013Bearing Lubrication and Failure Analysis (820)
130APP ABibliography of Textbooks and Reference Material (130)
1719Bit Encoding (171)
157310 - 5Bolted Connections (157)
1058Boolean Algebra (105)
104/10528Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Maps (104/105)
1041Brief Review of Basic Mathematics (104-3)
4196Business Ethics (419)
194/196APP BBuzzwords and Jargon (194)
196APP BBuzzwords and Jargon (196)
197APP BBuzzwords and Jargon (197)
1615Cables (161)
116APP C-5Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (116)
116/117APP C-5Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (116/117)
117APP C5Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (117)
1328Calculating Uncertainty (132)
1325BCalculating Uncertainty: Expanded Equations (132)
1325ACalculating Uncertainty: The Traditional Approach (132)
138APP CCalculation of Numerical Aperture (NA) Number (138)
173APP BCalibration and Uncertainty of GPS Systems (173)
1368Calibration of Vibration Measuring Instruments (136)
138APP D-2Calibration Procedure for an Optical Source (138)
1303Calibration Program (130)
13813Calibration Program (138)
1043Capacitors and Inductors (104-3)
104/1052Capacitors and Inductors (104/105)
230Student ExerciseCase Study Example (230)
8205Cavitation (820)
171APP CCCSDS (171)
8207Centrifugal Pumps (820)
425TPart IIChapter 6-3 through Appendix (425T)
196APP DCharacterizing Errors and Dynamic Range SpecsManship...the Fine Art of Lying With Math & Statistics (196)
194/196APP DCharacterizing Errors and Dynamic Range/SpecsManship...the Fine Art of Lying With Math & Statistics (194)
157310 - 11Chassis Analysis Example (157)
31011Chassis Analysis Example (310)
82510Check Valves (825)
1387Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (138)
1729Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (172)
16111Circuit Board Layout (161)
104/10532Circuit Board Technology (104/105)
10513Circuit Board Technology (105)
425APP C5Class Exercise—Random Vibration Testing of a Spacecraft Instrument (425)
17310Class Project Using GPS Receiver (173)
157157 - 13Class Project: Designing a Cubical Fixture (157)
1732Classification, Launch Data and Status of GPS Satellites (173)
138APP D-1Cleaning Procedure for Lightwave Test & Measurement Equipment (138)
1663-4Climatic Measurements: Flow (166)
166/16416-4Climatic Measurements: Flow (166/164)
1663-2Climatic Measurements: Humidity (166)
166/16416-2Climatic Measurements: Humidity (166/164)
1663-3Climatic Measurements: Pressure (166)
166/16416-3Climatic Measurements: Pressure (166/164)
1663-1Climatic Measurements: Temperature (166)
166/16416-1Climatic Measurements: Temperature (166/164)
2301Climatic Testing—The Big Picture (230)
230APP AClosed Loop Refrigeration Example (230)
82513Codes and Standards (825)
23012Combined Environments (230)
1617Common Mode Rejection (161)
P1001FComplex Algebra (P100)
P1003FComplex, Non-Sinusoidal and Square Waveforms (P100)
3117Conceptual Models for Failure Analysis (311)
19711Conclusions and Wrap-up (197)
16210Conducted Immunity (162)
4713Conduction Heat Transfer (471)
42111Configuration Management (421)
4712Conservation of Energy (471)
16213Considerations in EMC Projects (162)
47211Contamination Control/Environmental Control (472)
1327Control Charts (132)
1397Control of Records / Internal Audits / Management Review (139)
8259Control Valves (including Control Basics) (825)
4714Convection Heat Transfer (471)
471APP EConversion Factors (471)
4358Correlation and Regression (435)
194/1961, Course 196Course Overview, Objectives (194)
1961Course Overview, Objectives (196)
1396Customer service, Control of Nonconforming Test and Calibrations, Corrective and Preventive Action (139)
13113Cylindrical Rings and Internal Cylinders (131)
194/19615, Course 196Data Acquisition Review and Summary (194)
194/19613, Course 196Data Analysis (194)
19613Data Analysis (196)
1979Data Averaging, Noise Reduction, Random Signals (197)
1718Data Buses (171)
17115Data Compression and Storage (171)
16413DC and AC Signal Sources (164)
166/16413DC and AC Signal Sources (166/164)
1632Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (163)
1644Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (164)
1162Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (116)
116/1172Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (116/117)
1172Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (117)
166/1644Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (166/164)
1322Definitions (132)
130APP DDefinitions and Notation (130)
1611ADefinitions, Terminology and Basic Concepts of EMI/EMC/ESD (161)
173APP DDerivation of DOP Equations (173)
4726Design and Environmental Requirements (472)
157310 - 12Design Suggestions (157)
31012Design Suggestions (310)
4217Design Synthesis (421)
116/11717Design to Withstand Shock (116/117)
11714Design to Withstand Shock (117)
1429Design to Withstand Shock (142)
157310 - 4Designing for Stiffness (157)
3104Designing for Stiffness (310)
4508Developing Life Cycle Environmental Profiles (LCEPs) (450)
45136Developing Life Cycle Environmental Profiles (LCEPs) (451)
17215Development of Modern Communication Systems for US Air Force Aircraft Fleet (172)
10424Differential Amplifiers (104-3)
104/10523Differential Amplifiers (104/105)
1738Differential GPS; Augmentation (173)
16312Digital Analytical Techniques (163)
16315Digital Measurement and Recording Instruments (163)
1648-2Digital Measurement Instruments: Digital Multimeter Operation (164)
166/1648-2Digital Measurement Instruments: Digital Multimeter Operation (166/164)
16316Digital Multimeter Operation (163)
1991Digital Signal Processing and DSP Systems (199)
1716Digital Signals, Binary Arithmetic and Analog/Digital Conversion (171)
10510Digital Troubleshooting (105)
194/1965, Course 196Digitizing Theory (194)
1965Digitizing Theory (196)
1317Dimensional Calibration: Precision scaled instruments (131)
13111Dimensional Standards (131)
10414Diodes (104-3)
104/10512Diodes (104/105)
1054Diodes (105)
4356Distributions (435)
16214DO-160 (Commercial Avionics) (162)
142/19511Documenting Modal Test Results (142-4)
1959Documenting Modal Test Results (195)
4193DoD Acquisition Ethics (419)
240APP CDraft Statement of Work for Generic ESS Process Development (240)
1993DSP In Communications (199)
19912DSP Tools (199)
1975Dynamic Analysis Tools—Data Filtering (197)
1976Dynamic Analysis Tools—Integration and Differentiation (197)
108APP CDynamic Force and Motion (108)
1163Dynamic Force and Motion (116)
116/1173Dynamic Force and Motion (116/117)
1173Dynamic Force and Motion (117)
3102Dynamic Force and Motion (310)
116APP C-3Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (116)
116/117APP C-3Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (116/117)
117APP C-3Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (117)
P1002ADynamic Force and Motion (P100)
45120ADynamic Primer: Shock and Vibration (451)
45120ADynamic Primer: Shock and Vibration (SI Units) (451)
1612Electric Fields (161)
1367-3Electrical Calibration: Counters, Function and Pulse Generators, Power Supplies (136)
1367-8Electrical Calibration: Fiber Optics (136)
1367-6Electrical Calibration: Impedance Bridges, Amplifiers, Logic Analyzers, Angle Position Indicators (136)
1367-7Electrical Calibration: RF Power Measurement (136)
1367-5Electrical Calibration: Spectrum and Network Analyzers (136)
1367-2Electrical Calibration: Synthesizers/Sweepers (136)
1367-4Electrical Calibration: Temperature/ Humidity Simulation & Measurement (136)
1367-1Electrical Calibration: VOM Devices (136)
47210Electrical Component Vibration Fatigue (472)
4727Electrical Engineering (472)
1042Electrical Fundamentals Review (104-3)
104/1051Electrical Fundamentals Review (104/105)
P1003AElectrical Fundamentals Review (P100)
104APP C-2Electrical Fundamentals: Background and Examples (104-3)
104/105APP C1Electrical Fundamentals—Background and Examples (104/105)
10412Electrical Power Circuits (104-3)
104/10510Electrical Power Circuits and Transmission Systems (104/105)
3203Electrochemical Corrosion Processes (320)
47110Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Chassis and Racks (471)
4718Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Components (471)
4719Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Printed Circuit Boards (471)
104/105APP DElectrostatic Discharge (104/105)
105APP BElectrostatic Discharge (105)
16110Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (161)
1611BElectrostatics (161)
1324Elemental Errors (132)
P1003BEMFs in Series and Parallel (P100)
1619Enclosure Shielding (161)
2404Environmental Forcing Functions: Thermal and Others (240)
2403Environmental Forcing Functions: Vibration (240)
4513Environmental Management and Engineering Tasks — Annex A (451)
2402Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) (240)
45011Environmental Test Requirements Checklist (450)
4503Environmental Testing (450)
4253Environmental Testing Fundamentals (425)
4252Environmental Testing Program (425)
13910Equipment (139)
2406Equipment Needed for a HALT Test (240)
1728Erbium Doped Fiber Optical Amplifiers (EDFA) (172)
1626ESD Testing (162)
161APP DESD: An EMI Problem (161)
4195Ethics in Congress (419)
1622European Regulations (162)
4717Evaluating Cooling Requirements and Heat Transfer Mechanisms (471)
4194Example of Work Ethics in a Southeast Asian Village (419)
1366Example: Estimating Electrical Uncertainty (136)
13210-4 (Optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Chemical (132)
13210-5 (optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Electrical (132)
13210-2 (optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Indication of an External Micrometer (132)
13210-1 (Optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Mass—Electronic Scale (132)
13210-3 (optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Pressure (132)
13210-6 (optional)Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Temperature (132)
172APP CExcerpt from Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan (ITU-T) (172)
450APP C:Excerpts from ADS-71-SP (450)
451Appendices A, B and CExcerpts from MIL-STD-810G (451)
450APP BExcerpts from MIL–STD–810G (450)
450APP AExcerpts from NASA CxP 70036 (450)
421EExercise (421)
10515Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices (105)
1345Facilities, Environmental Control and other Contributors of Capability (134)
1739False Signals (173)
1628Fast Transients Immunity Testing (162)
116/11713Fatigue (116/117)
11710Fatigue (117)
157310 - 9Fatigue (157)
3109Fatigue (310)
P1002EFatigue (P100)
104/10522Feedback (104/105)
138APP D-5Fiber Optic Attenuator Procedure (138)
13815Fiber Optic Calibration (138)
17212Fiber Optic Sensors (172)
17213Fiber Optic System Applications (172)
1388Fiber Optical Cabling (138)
1727Fiber Optical Cabling (172)
10416Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (104-3)
104/10514Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (104/105)
16611Filters (166)
166/16421Filters (166/164)
130SummaryFinal Review (130)
16113Final Review (161)
142/195APP CFinite Element Analysis (142-4)
195APP CFinite Element Analysis (195)
19910Finite Impulse Response Filter — FIR (199)
130To BeginFirst-Day Quiz (130)
1319Fixed Gauging: Principles (131)
157157 - 11Fixture Design for Random Vibration and Shock (157)
157157 - 9Fixture Evaluation (157)
3205Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part II (320)
3206Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part III (320)
1997Fourier Series (199)
171RFFFreeFire Exercise (171R)
1086Frequency and Stiffness Considerations (108)
4216Functional Analysis (421)
8258Gate Valves (825)
2302General Introduction to Climatic Testing (230)
16311Generating and Processing Digital Data (163)
8257Globe Valves (825)
136APP AGlossary (136)
166APP AGlossary (166)
138APP AGlossary and Acronyms (138)
116APP AGlossary and Definitions (116)
116/117APP AGlossary and Definitions (116/117)
108APP AGlossary of Symbols and Units (108)
142APP AGlossary of Symbols and Units (142)
142/195APP AGlossary of Symbols and Units (142-4)
195APP AGlossary of Symbols and Units (195)
104APP AGlossary of Terms (104-3)
104/105APP AGlossary of Terms (104/105)
105APP AGlossary of Terms (105)
161APP AGlossary of Terms (161)
163Reference AGlossary of Terms (163)
164APP AGlossary of Terms (164)
166/164APP AGlossary of Terms (166/164)
171APP AGlossary of Terms (171)
194/196APP AGlossary of Terms (194)
196APP AGlossary of Terms (196)
197APP AGlossary of Terms (197)
199APP AGlossary of Terms (199)
117APP AGlossary of Terms and Acronyms (117)
172APP AGlossary of Terms and Acronyms (172)
240APP AGlossary of Terms and Acronyms (240)
311APP DGoodness-of-Fit Tests (311)
1733GPS Ground Support Equipment (173)
1735GPS Signals (173)
1616Grounding (161)
16216Grounding Techniques (162)
1648-4Guarded Voltmeter (164)
166/1648-4Guarded Voltmeter (166/164)
2405HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Testing (240)
194/1967, Course 196Hardware (194)
1967Hardware (196)
2408HASS: Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (240)
1994How Numbers are processed in a DSP Polynomials (199)
104/10534Hybrid Circuits (104/105)
10514Hybrid Circuits (105)
8206Hydraulic Pulses, Vibration and Water Hammer (820)
3208Identification and Analysis of Corrosion Problems and Solutions (320)
3114Improving Reliability (311)
108APP BIndex of Equations (108)
116APP BIndex of Equations (116)
116/117APP BIndex of Equations (116/117)
117APP BIndex of Equations (117)
132APP AIndex of Equations (132)
162APP BIndex of Equations (162)
172APP BIndex of Equations (172)
108APP DIndex of Graphs and Tables (108)
19911Infinite Impulse Response Filter — IIR (199)
104/1057Instrumentation Errors (104/105)
104/105APP EIntegrated Circuit Applications (104/105)
104/105APP C33Integrated Circuit Technology (104/105)
104/10533Integrated Circuits (104/105)
4724Integrated Circuits – PCB Characteristics (472)
42115Integrating System Engineering in Project Planning (421)
16310Integrating, Differentiating and Filters (163)
157157 - 4Interface Items (157)
4214Interface Management (421)
13913Internal Audit Process: ISO 17025 (139)
17312International GPS Systems (173)
104/1050Introduction (104/105)
3200Introduction (320)
4351Introduction (435)
4711aIntroduction (471)
4721Introduction (472)
1311Introduction and Focus (131)
1361Introduction and Focus (136)
4211Introduction and Fundamentals (421)
1391Introduction and Overview (139)
1721Introduction and Review (172)
1641Introduction to Instrumentation for Electrical Test and Measurement (164)
P1001CIntroduction to Algebra (P100)
10420Introduction to Amplifiers (104-3)
104/10518Introduction to Amplifiers (104/105)
1040Introduction to and Review of a Typical Electronic Circuit (104-3)
1661Introduction to Applied Measurement (166)
P1001GIntroduction to Calculus (P100)
3202Introduction to Corrosion (320)
1052Introduction to Digital Electronics (105)
104/10529Introduction to Digital Troubleshooting (104/105)
4254Introduction to Environmental Test Procedures (425)
2401Introduction to Environmental Testing (240)
4251Introduction to Environmental Testing (425)
4191Introduction to Ethics (419)
1381Introduction to Fiber Optic Systems (138)
157157 - 2Introduction to Fixture Design (157)
1731Introduction to GPS Systems (173)
166/1641Introduction to Instrumentation for Electrical Test and Measurement (166/164)
4509Introduction to ISO Quality Standards (450)
1382Introduction to Light Properties (138)
1723Introduction to Light Properties (172)
1383Introduction to Light Transmission (138)
166/16415Introduction to Measurement Engineering (166/164)
11614Introduction to Mechanical Shock (116)
116/11716Introduction to Mechanical Shock (116/117)
11713Introduction to Mechanical Shock (117)
1083Introduction to Mechanical Terms and Material Properties (108)
13811Introduction to Metrology and Calibration (138)
1168Introduction to Power Amplifiers (116)
8201Introduction to Pumps (820)
1165Introduction to Random Vibration (116)
116/1175Introduction to Random Vibration (116/117)
1424Introduction to Shock (142)
142/1954Introduction to Shock (142-4)
1174Introduction to Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (117)
1711Introduction to Telemetry Systems (171)
1167Introduction to Test Fixtures (116)
116/1177Introduction to Test Fixtures (116/117)
1177Introduction to Test Fixtures (117)
1301Introduction to the Measurement Process (130)
4716Introduction to Thermal Resistance Networks (471)
1321Introduction to Uncertainty (132)
8251Introduction to Valves (825)
1082Introduction to Vibration (108)
1161Introduction to Vibration (116)
116/1171Introduction to Vibration (116/117)
1171Introduction to Vibration (117)
157310 - 1Introduction to Vibration (157)
3101Introduction to Vibration (310)
1166Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (116)
116/1176Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (116/117)
1176Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (117)
157157 - 1Introduction to Vibration Test Equipment (157)
130APP CISO 9000 (130)
13814ISO Standard 17025 (138)
13116ISO Standard 17025 in Calibration Laboratories (131)
1059Karnaugh Maps (105)
P1003CKirchhoff’s Laws; Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems (P100)
134ReviewKnowledge Check (134)
435APP CKolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Limits (435)
104/1058Laboratory/Workshop Safety (104/105)
1046Laboratory/Workshop Safety Practice (104-3)
105APP DLaboratory/Workshop Safety Practice (105)
1318Laser Interferometry: Light as the Length Standard (131)
1385Light Sources (138)
1725Light Sources (172)
173APP CLinearization Solution of Satellite-to-User Range Equations (173)
138APP BList of Equations (138)
P1001BLogarithms and Decibels (P100)
1057Logic Functions (105)
1624Low Frequency Emissions / Harmonics (162)
1625Low Frequency Emissions: Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker (162)
138APP ELower Cost Methods of Measuring Optical Bandwidth (138)
1613Magnetic Field Coupling (161)
16211Magnetic Field Immunity (Power Frequency) (162)
166/1648-3Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (166/164)
16317Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (163)
1648-3Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (164)
1394Management System; Documentation Control (139)
47212Manufacturing (472)
435APP EMarkov/State Models (435)
1315Mass and Weight; Buoyancy (131)
1316Mass Measurement Techniques (131)
157310 - 10Material Selection in Engineering Design (157)
31010Material Selection in Engineering Design (310)
1085Materials and Beams (108)
104/105APP BMathematical Fundamentals (104/105)
142/195APP DMatrix Math Revisited (142-4)
195APP DMatrix Math Revisited (195)
157157 - 5Measurement and Readout of Vibration (157)
13112Measurement of Angles: Angle Gage Blocks (131)
1427Measurement of Shock (142)
142/19513Measurement of Shock (142-4)
1305Measurement Standards and Traceability (130)
1362Measurement Standards and Traceability (136)
13812Measurement Standards and Traceability (138)
16415Measurement Systems (164)
194/1964, Course 194Measurement Systems (194)
1309Measurement Techniques / Considerations (130)
13911Measurement Traceability / Sampling / Handling of Test and Calibration Items / Assuring Quality of Test and Calibration Results (139)
1306Measurement Uncertainty (130)
1365Measurement Uncertainty (136)
16612Measurement Uncertainty and Introduction to Statistics (166)
166/16422Measurement Uncertainty and Introduction to Statistics (166/164)
130APP EMeasurement Uncertainty Budget (130)
4352Measures of Central Tendency (435)
4353Measures of Dispersion (435)
1304Measuring and Test Equipment (130)
4728Mechanical Engineering (472)
157310 - 8Mechanical Shock (157)
3108Mechanical Shock (310)
4256.2Mechanical Shock Test Equipment (425)
4256.3Mechanical Shock Test Procedures (425)
4256.1Mechanical Shock Theory (425)
104/10531Memory (104/105)
10512Memory (105)
142/1958Meshing (142-4)
1956Meshing (195)
4516Method 500.5 Low Pressure (Altitude) (451)
4517Method 501.5 High Temperature (451)
4518Method 502.5 Low Temperature (451)
4519Method 503.5 Temperature Shock (451)
45110Method 504.1 Contamination by Fluids (451)
45111Method 505.5 Solar Radiation (Sunshine) (451)
45112Method 506.5 Rain (451)
45113Method 507.5 Humidity (451)
45114Method 508.6 Fungus (451)
45115Method 509.5 Salt Fog (451)
45116Method 510.5 Sand and Dust (451)
45117Method 511.5 Explosive Atmosphere (451)
45118Method 512.5 Immersion (451)
45119Method 513.6 Acceleration (451)
45120BMethod 514.6 Vibration (451)
45121Method 515.6 Acoustic Noise (451)
45122Method 516.6 Shock (451)
45123Method 517.1 Pyroshock (451)
45124Method 518.1 Acidic Atmosphere (451)
45125Method 519.6 Gunfire Shock (451)
45126Method 520.3 Temperature, Humidity, Vibration and Shock (451)
45127Method 521.3 Icing/Freezing Rain (451)
45128Method 522.1 Ballistic Shock (451)
45129Method 523.3 Vibro-Acoustic/Temperature (451)
45130Method 524 Freeze/Thaw (451)
45131Method 525 Time Waveform Replication (451)
45132Method 526 Rail Impact (451)
45133Method 527 Multi-Exciter Testing (MET) (451)
45134Method 528 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment (451)
3207Methods of Corrosion Control (320)
1302Metrication / The Metric System (SI) (130)
1341Metrology is a Science, Calibration is a Process (134)
132APP BMetrology Reference Information (132)
131APP BMetrology Reference, Technical Organizations (131)
311APP AMIL-HDBK-217E (311)
16215MIL-STD-461 (162)
311APP BMIL-STD-781D (311)
142/19515AMIL-STD-810G, Method 516.6, Shock (142-4)
14210AMIL-STD-810G, Method 516.6, Shock (optional) (142)
4502Military vs. Commercial Specifications (450)
1614Mixed Coupling (161)
157310 - 6Modal Analysis and Modal Testing (157)
3106Modal Analysis and Modal Testing (310)
142/19510Modal Parameter Extraction (142-4)
1958Modal Parameter Extraction (195)
142/1957Modal Test Planning and Set-up (142-4)
1955Modal Test Planning and Set-up (195)
116/11714Modal Testing (116/117)
11711Modal Testing (117)
4219Modeling & Simulation (421)
104/105APP C28More about Boolean Algebra (104/105)
105APP C14More about Integrated Circuits (105)
4357More Distributions (435)
194/1969, Course 194Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems (194)
1422Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (142)
142/1952Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (142-4)
1953Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (195)
194/1969, Course 196Multiplexers (194)
1969Multiplexers (196)
1342National, International Quality Standards, Requirements and Guides for Calibration (134)
138APP D-3NIST Standard Reference Material 2517A (138)
1633Noise (163)
1643Noise (164)
166/1643Noise (166/164)
104/10526Numbering Systems and Binary Arithmetic (104/105)
1056Numbering Systems and Binary Arithmetic (105)
10425Operational Amplifiers (104-3)
104/10524Operational Amplifiers (104/105)
17214Optical Devices being Developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (172)
1384Optical Fibers (138)
1724Optical Fibers (172)
1393Organization and Management (139)
1346Organizational Structure and Responsibilities (134)
157157 - 10Orthogonal Motion—Cross Talk (157)
1998Orthogonality and Quadrature (199)
1973Oscillating-Signal Analysis (197)
10423Oscillators (104-3)
104/10521Oscillators (104/105)
1369Oscilloscopes (136)
16313Oscilloscopes (163)
1649Oscilloscopes (164)
166/1649Oscilloscopes (166/164)
13115Other Geometries: Cylinders, Threads and Spheres—Dimensional Nightmares (131)
240APP BOverview of Accelerated Testing Analytical Models (240)
13610Overview of ISO 17025 (136)
435APP BParameter Estimation and Design of Experiments (435)
1634Parameters of Linear Systems (163)
1645Parameters of Linear Systems (164)
166/1645Parameters of Linear Systems (166/164)
4511Part One: Introduction, History and Scope (451)
45135Part Three: World Climatic Regions— Guidance (451)
4515Part Two: Typical Format used for Environmental Test Methods; Commonly cited paragraphs from Part One (451)
4725PCB Materials (472)
2407Performing HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Test (240)
10418Photo-Electric Devices (104-3)
104/10516Photo-electric Devices (104/105)
471APP DPhysical Properties of Materials (471)
16411Power and Energy Measurements (164)
166/16411Power and Energy Measurements (166/164)
1629Power Line Surge Testing (162)
8204Practical Applications: Calculating Head (820)
2300Preparatory Segment (230)
45010Preparing and Reviewing Environmental Requirements (450)
104/10527Primitive Logic Functions (104/105)
4355Probability (435)
3119Probability/Statistics (311)
1326Propagation of Errors (132)
32010Properties of Metallic Materials, Part II (320)
32011Properties of Metallic Materials, Part III (320)
32012Properties of Non-Metallic Materials (320)
230APP CPublished Papers, References (230)
82012Pump Bearing Problems (820)
82011Pump Bearings: Physical Failure Analysis (820)
82015Pump Foundations and Mountings (820)
82014Pump Imbalance, Alignment, Coupling (820)
82019Pump Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling (820)
8209Pump Operation and Mechanical Issues (820)
8208Pump Operation and Performance Curves (820)
8203Pump Parameters (820)
82010Pump Seals (820)
8202Pump Types (820)
82016Pumpjacks and Blowout Preventers (820)
47215Quality Assurance (472)
1343Quality Management System (134)
1627Radiated Field Immunity Testing (162)
4715Radiation Heat Transfer (471)
194/1967, Course 194Random Testing (194)
157310 - 7Random Vibration (157)
3107Random Vibration (310)
1175Random Vibration and Spectral Analysis (117)
11613Random Vibration Testing (116)
116/11712Random Vibration Testing (116/117)
116/117APP C-12Random Vibration Testing (Chapter 12 reference) (116/117)
116APP C-13Random Vibration Testing (Chapter 13 reference) (116)
17112Range Telecommunications (171)
1047Reactance and Impedance in AC Circuits (104-3)
104APP C-7Reactance and Impedance in AC Circuits: Examples (104-3)
104/1054Reactances in Series and Parallel (104/105)
104/105APP C4Reactive AC Circuits—Examples (104/105)
194/19611, Course 196Real System Configurations (194)
19611Real System Configurations (196)
10419Rectifiers and Filters (104-3)
104/10517Rectifiers and Filters (104/105)
1667Reducing Signal Noise (166)
166/16418Reducing Signal Noise (166/164)
13110Reference Planes—Calibration of Flatness: Surface plates (131)
161APP CReference: Typical Capacitances, Electrical isolation for accelerometers, EM Radiation Frequency Range (161)
163Reference BReferences, Bibliography, and Further Readings (163)
3116Reliability Program: Engineering Tasks (311)
3115Reliability Program—Management, Engineering Tasks—MIL Standard 785 (311)
3118Reliability Testing (311)
3112Reliability-Quality (311)
82511Relief Valves (825)
13912Reporting the Results (139)
1329Reporting Uncertainty (132)
1395Requests, Tenders, Contracts, Purchasing (139)
4213Requirements Definition and Tracking (421)
42114Requirements Verification (421)
4215Resource Allocations and Tracking (421)
19615Review and Summary (196)
1621Review of Applicable Theory and Terminology (162)
172APP DReview of Basic Electrical Theory (172)
104APP C-1Review of Basic Mathematics (104-3)
P1001AReview of Basic Mathematics (P100)
1722Review of Basic Telecommunications Theory (172)
1664Review of Dynamic Theory (166)
166/16417Review of Dynamic Theory (166/164)
1631.1Review of Electrical Fundamentals Part 1 (163)
1631.2Review of Electrical Fundamentals Part 2 (163)
P1001DReview of Geometry/Introduction to Trigonometry (P100)
4506Review of Important Environmental Standards (450)
1081Review of Mathematics (108)
1313Review of Statistical Analysis and Uncertainty (131)
P100/1572D/310 - 3Review of Structural Design Fundamentals (157)
3103Review of Structural Design Fundamentals (310)
472APPReview of Vibration Effects (472)
139Knowledge CheckReview Questions (139)
197APP CReview Questions (197)
1623RF Emissions (162)
17116RF Transmission (171)
1307Risk Management (130)
42113Risk Management (421)
194/1962, Course 196Role of Data Acquisition (194)
1962Role of Data Acquisition (196)
82512Safety Relief Valves (825)
1647Safety, Grounding, Circuit Protection, Input/Output Impedance, Power Transfer (164)
166/1647Safety, Grounding, Circuit Protection, Input/Output Impedance, Power Transfer (166/164)
194/196APP CSample Data Acquisition System Specification (194)
196APP CSample System Specification (196)
194/1966, Course 196Sampling Theory — Aliasing (194)
1966Sampling Theory — Aliasing (196)
1737Satellite Tracking, Triangulation and Differential GPS Systems (173)
1392Scope, Normative References, Terms (139)
10413Semiconductor Physics (104-3)
104/10511Semiconductor Physics (104/105)
1051Semiconductor Physics (105)
172APP ESemiconductors, Diodes and Transistors (172)
16414Sensors / Transducers (164)
166/16414Sensors / Transducers (166/164)
1048Series and Parallel Resonance (104-3)
104/1055Series and Parallel Resonance (104/105)
1349Service Providers, Housekeeping and Safety (134)
142/1959Setting up the Modal Test (142-4)
1957Setting up the Modal Test (195)
16314Shock Measurement (163)
1428Shock Testing (142)
142/19514Shock Testing (142-4)
16610Signal Analysis and Aliasing (166)
166/16420Signal Analysis and Aliasing (166/164)
1714Signal Sampling (171)
1164Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (116)
116/1174Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (116-117)
1713Signal Waveforms and Fourier Analysis (171)
194/1968, Course 194Sine Testing (194)
11612Sine Vibration Testing (116)
116/11711Sine Vibration Testing (116/117)
116/117APP C-11Sine Vibration Testing — Crossover Frequency Example (Chapter 11 reference) (116/117)
116APP C-12Sine Vibration Testing — Crossover Frequency Example (Chapter 12 reference) (116)
1952Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF) and 2DoF Systems (195)
142/1951Single-Degree-of-Freedom and 2-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF and 2DoF) Systems (142-4)
1421Single-Degree-of-Freedom and 2-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF and 2DoF) Systems (142)
1423Some Essentials of Signal Processing (142)
142/1953Some Essentials of Signal Processing (142-4)
1954Some Essentials of Signal Processing (195)
47111Special Cooling Applications (471)
19710Special Topics (197)
2409Specifications for HALT & HASS (240)
1974Spectral Analysis (197)
1978Spectral Analysis of “Continuous” Tests (197)
116APP C-10Spectral Analysis/Aliasing (Chapter 10 reference) (116)
16417Spectral and Fourier Analysis (164)
1669Spectral and Fourier Analysis (166)
166/16419Spectral and Fourier Analysis (166/164)
166APP BStandard Deviation Calculation Worksheet (166)
166/164APP BStandard Deviation Calculation worksheet (166/164)
11615Standards, Specifications and Procedures (116)
116/11718Standards, Specifications and Procedures (116/117)
11715Standards, Specifications and Procedures (117)
104/10530State Diagrams, Tables and Machines (104/105)
10511State Diagrams, Tables and Machines (105)
1972Static Test Analysis
1323Statistical concepts in measurement (132)
311APP EStatistical Confidence Limits (311)
435APP FStatistical Confidence Limits (435)
164APP CStatistical Distributions (164)
31110Statistical Distributions (311)
P1002DStructural Theory: Beams (P100)
P100/1572D/310 - 3Structural Theory: Beams (P100)
P1002BStructural Theory: Materials, Stress, and Strain (P100)
P1002CStructural Theory: Torque, Moments of Inertia (P100)
4359-1Student Exercise: Designing a Sampling Experiment (435)
435Student Exercise: Tests Between Two Populations and Samples (435)
435Student Experiment (435)
117APP C7Swept Sine Resonance Search—Fixture Evaluation Example (Chapter 7 reference) (117)
16112Switching Power Supplies (161)
1639System Considerations (163)
42116System Engineering Execution (421)
17114System Processing, Testing, and Specifying (171)
194/19614, Course 196System Specification and Evaluation (194)
19614System Specification and Evaluation (196)
4212Systems Engineering Fundamentals (421)
142/19515DTable-Top Drop Shock Test (142-4)
14210DTable-Top Drop Shock Test (optional) (142)
194/196APP ETechnical Articles and Demonstration Programs (194)
196APP ETechnical Articles and Demonstration Programs (196)
134APP BTechnical Organizations / Metrology Materials (134)
130APP BTechnical Organizations / Reference Materials (130)
1314Technical Requirements in Calibration Procedures: Content requirements (131)
1312Technical Requirements in Calibration Standards (131)
1363Technical Requirements in Calibration Standards (136)
1398Technical Requirements: General, Personnel, Accommodation and Environmental Conditions (139)
1715Telemetry Techniques: Frequency Modulation (FM) and Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) (171)
1717Telemetry Techniques: Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) (171)
23013Test Ethics and Documentation (230)
116/117APP C-7Test Fixture Evaluation Example (Chapter 7 reference) (116/117)
4504Test Tailoring and Document Tailorability (450)
1399Test/Calibration Methods and Method Validation (139)
47214Testing (472)
17210Testing DWDM Passive Optical Components (172)
194/1963, Course 194Testing Objectives/Philosophy and Simulation Concepts (194)
1389Testing Passive Optical Components (138)
194/19612, Course 196The Computer and The Data Acquisition System (194)
19612The Computer and The Data Acquisition System (196)
17113The Computer and the Telemetry System (171)
2309The Fungus Environment (230)
17118The Future (171)
2305The Humidity Environment (230)
23011The Immersion, Splash, Spray and Leak Environment (230)
2304The Pressure (Altitude) Environment (230)
4722The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) (472)
2308The Rain and Ice Environments (230)
3113The Reliability Discipline (311)
42112The Review Process (421)
4501The Role of Environmental Standards and Specifications (450)
2307The Salt Fog Environment (230)
23010The Sand and Dust Environment (230)
1426The Shock Response Spectrum (142)
142/19512The Shock Response Spectrum (142-4)
2306The Solar Radiation Environment (230)
4512The Team; General Test Guidelines (451)
2303The Temperature Environments (230)
4729Thermal Design (472)
47112Thermal Modeling (471)
4259.2Thermal Test Equipment (425)
4259.3Thermal Test Procedures (425)
47113Thermal Testing (471)
425APP C9Thermal Testing Background Information (425)
4259.1Thermal Theory (425)
13114Threads and Cylindrical Rings (131)
104/10515Thyristors (104/105)
16410Time and Frequency Measurements (164)
166/16410Time and Frequency Measurements (166/164)
17111Time Codes (171)
1736Time Measurement and GPS (173)
435APP DTolerance Analysis (435)
17311Tracking Systems Using GPS (173)
4218Trade Studies (421)
166APP DTransducer Calibration (166)
166/164APP DTransducer Calibration (166/164)
1636Transducers (163)
1665Transducers (166)
1049Transformers (104-3)
104/1056Transformers (104/105)
104/1053Transient R-C and R-L Circuits (104/105)
104/105APP C3Transient R-C and R-L Circuits—Examples (104/105)
1044Transient RC and RL Circuits (104-3)
104APP C-4Transient RC and RL Circuits: Examples (104-3)
194/1966, Course 194Transient Testing (194)
10415Transistors and Biasing (104-3)
104/10513Transistors and Biasing (104/105)
1055Transistors and Biasing; Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (105)
1308Treatment of Data (130)
82018Trouble Shooting Pumps (820)
10422Tuned Amplifiers (104-3)
104/10520Tuned Amplifiers (104/105)
1642Types of Data Signals (164)
166/1642Types of Data Signals (166/164)
1364Types of Standards (136)
142/19515ETypical Drop Shock and Vibration Test Specification for Disk Drive Assemblies (142-4)
14210ETypical Drop Shock and Vibration Test Specification for Disk Drive Assemblies (optional) (142)
142/19515CTypical Free Fall Shock Test Specification (142-4)
14210CTypical Free Fall Shock Test Specification (optional) (142)
163Reference CTypical Instrumentation Selection Check List (163)
166APP CTypical Instrumentation Selection Check List (166)
166/164APP CTypical Instrumentation Selection Check List (166/164)
164APP C2Understanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (164)
1662Understanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (166)
199APP CUnderstanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (199)
116APP C-2Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (116)
116/117APP C-2Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (116/117)
117APP C-2Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (117)
142/19515BUndex Underwater Explosions And Surface Testing (142-4)
14210BUndex Underwater Explosions And Surface Testing (optional) (142)
16318Using a Function Generator/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (163)
4258Vacuum Testing (425)
425APP C8Vacuum Testing Background Information (425)
8256Valve Actuators and Positioners (825)
8253Valve Construction and Materials (825)
8255Valve Trim and Characteristics (825)
8254Valve Types (825)
8252Valves and Flow Dynamics (825)
P1001EVectors, Sine Waves, Phase (P100)
17117Vendors in Telemetry (171)
194/1962, Course 194Vibration Environment Simulation Hardware (194)
1169Vibration Measurement (116)
116/1178Vibration Measurement (116/117)
1178Vibration Measurement (117)
4255.2Vibration Test Equipment (425)
157157 - 3Vibration Test Fixtures - General Remarks (157)
4255.3Vibration Test Procedures (425)
11611Vibration Testing (116)
116/11710Vibration Testing (116/117)
1179Vibration Testing (117)
157157 - 6Vibration Testing Specifications (157)
4255.1Vibration Theory (425)
16212Voltage Dips and Interruptions—Immunity (162)
138APP D-4Wavemeter Calibration Procedure (138)
16412Wheatstone Bridges (164)
1666Wheatstone Bridges (166)
166/16412Wheatstone Bridges (166/164)
42110Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (421)
4192Work Ethics (419)
4354Worked Example (435)
1347Workflow and Calibration Process (134)

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