110 Thesis Presentation and Review for TTi Specialist Diploma

For whom intended  This one day session is the final step in earning the TTi Specialist Diploma. It is the opportunity for the Specialist candidate to present the selected thesis material and verbally describe the activities covered.

Brief description of course  Prior to attending this session, the candidate will have gathered together the material to be included in the Thesis and will have discussed its format and layout with TTi staff. (See Thesis Preparation Guidelines for details).

Each portion of the Thesis will be reviewed and the candidate will make an oral presentation of the rationale and procedure followed in accomplishing the task described.

It will be an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate the depth of knowledge gained in the subject matter covered during the Specialist Diploma program. By going through this process, the candidate have a better understanding of the technical requirements and rationale associated with the various tasks encountered back at the organization's facility. This session will be a confidence builder, so that when provided the opportunity, the Specialist will be better prepared to undertake more responsibility in performing assigned tasks.

The candidate will discuss the impact of the various TTi courses on the task described and how the knowledge gained was of practical use at the candidate's facility. Since the task covered by the Thesis will have been one undertaken by the candidate prior to completing the Specialist Diploma program, discussion will focus on whether the task should have been done differently.

After reviewing the Thesis presentation, last minute modifications and corrections will be made as required, at TTi’s facility prior to final submission and acceptance of the Thesis.

This one-day session will be scheduled to meet the requirements and mutual convenience of the candidate and TTi and will also provide the student with the opportunity of discussing any outstanding topic that may need additional clarification.

The student will be encouraged to bring up for discussion a topic from work that perhaps TTi personnel can provide some input towards solving. This one day experience will assist the candidate in becoming a mentor or facilitator for other TTi specialist diploma candidates at their facility.

Diploma, CEUS  On successful completion of the review, the candidate will receive the TTi Specialist Diploma in the appropriate category covered by the student's continuing education program. Additionally 0.7 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be awarded.

Fees  The course fee is $ 500.00. When combined with attendance at another TTi course the fee will be $ 250.00.

Course Outline

Click for a printable course outline (pdf).