320 Corrosion Control Techniques
For Whom Intended Engineers, scientists, aides and technicians. Previous knowledge of corrosion or materials engineering is not required.
Objectives To provide basic understanding of the mechanisms of corrosion, and measures that can be used to control corrosion. The course also includes a brief overview of the properties of commonly used engineering materials and their resistance to deterioration.
Brief Course Description Corrosion is responsible for the failure of many systems and structures. Unchecked corrosion can result in excessive maintenance and repair as well as system downtime and product contamination.
This course will focus on the cause of corrosion of metals, the results of corrosive action and the measures that can be used to control corrosion.
The course will describe the basic electrochemical processes responsible for the corrosion of metals, the mechanisms of corrosion and the resulting effects of the various types of corrosion on the ability of the metals to perform their intended function. Particular emphasis will be placed on the identification and solution of practical corrosion problems in real engineering situations.
The performance of engineering materials, including both metals and non-metals in real service environments will be discussed including the application of basic materials science to the selection and application of materials.
Diploma Programs This course may be used as an optional course for any other TTi specialist diploma program.
Prerequisites There are no definite prerequisites. However, this course is aimed toward individuals involved in related technical fields.
Related Courses See also Course 324, Corrosion Prevention Compliance for Defense Acquisition Requirements.
Text Each student will receive 180 days access to the on-line electronic course workbook. Renewals and printed textbooks are available for an additional fee.
Course Hours, Certificate and CEUs Class hours/days for on-site courses can vary from 14-35 hours over 2-5 days as requested by our clients. Upon successful course completion, each participant receives a certificate of completion and one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for every ten class hours.
Click for a printable course outline (pdf).
Course Outline
Chapter 1 - Basic Concepts in Physics and Chemistry
- Atoms
- Elements
- Electrical Charge
- Conductors and Insulators
- Resistance
- Voltage
- Ohm's Law
- Charge Units
- Chemical Formulas
- Symbols used in Chemical Formulas
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Corrosion
- Corrosion Basics
- What is corrosion?
- Why is corrosion important?
- Why learn about corrosion?
- What can be done to control corrosion?
- Corrosion of Non-Metals
- Corrosion Mechanisms
- The Electrochemical Cell
- Anodic Reaction
- Cathodic Reaction
- Overall Reaction
- Corrosion Products
Chapter 3 - Electrochemical Corrosion Processes
- Electrolyte
- Electron Path
- The Electrochemical Cell
- Reaction Rates
Chapter 4 - Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part I
- Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion
- Immunity
- Uniform Attack
- Galvanic Corrosion
- Galvanic Series
- Galvanic Corrosion Rates
- Galvanic Corrosion Area Rates
- Polarization
Chapter 5 - Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part II
- Pitting Corrosion
- Concentration Cell Corrosion
- Oxygen concentration cells
- Metal Ion concentration cells
- Dealloying
- Intergranular Corrosion
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
Chapter 6 - Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part III
- Hydrogen Embrittlement
- Corrosion Fatigue
- Erosion, Cavitation and Fretting Corrosion
- Stray Current Corrosion
Chapter 7 - Methods of Corrosion Control
- Materials Selection
- Materials Selection checklist
- Variance of Rate With Time
- Corrosion Tolerance
- Maintenance and Operation
- Utilize Corrosion Control Techniques
- Protective Coatings
- Organic Barrier Coatings
- Organic Barrier + Inhibitor Coatings
- Organic Barrier Coatings with Cathodic Protection
- Inorganic Barrier Coatings with Cathodic Protection
- Anti-Fouling Coatings
- Metallic Coatings
- Coating Selection
- Surface Preparation and Application
- Coating Inspection
- Cathodic Protection
- Sacrificial Anode Systems
- Impressed Current Systems
- Change of Environment
- Relocation
- Encapsulation
- Dehumidification of Closed Spaces
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Liquid Corrosion Inhibitors
- Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors
- Change in Service
Chapter 8 - Identification and Analysis of Corrosion Problems and Solutions
- Visual Observation
- Non-Destructive Inspection
- Destructive Evaluations
- Distinction Between Cause and Mechanism of Corrosion
- Identification and Validation of Solutions to Corrosion Problems
- Evaluation of Alternative Solutions
- Validation of Selected Solutions
- Accelerated Testing
- Simulated Service Testing
- Field Testing
Chapter 9 - Properties of Metallic Materials, Part I
- Introduction
- Carbon and alloy steels
- Cast irons
- Gray Cast Irons
- Ductile Cast Irons
- Malleable Cast Irons
- Compacted Graphite Cast Irons
- White Cast Irons
- Alloy Cast Irons
Chapter 10 - Properties of Metallic Materials, Part II
- Aluminum Alloys
- Aluminum Alloy Groups
- Aluminum Alloys, Temper Designations
- Typical Mechanical Properties
- Aluminum Alloys, Fabricability
- Aluminum Alloys, Cost, Weight
- Strength to Weight Ratio
- Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys
- Stainless Steels
- Stainless Steels, Generic Types
- Ferritic Stainless Steels
- Superferritic Stainless Steels
- Martensitic Stainless Steels
- Austenitic Stainless Steels
- Superaustenitic Stainless Steels
- Duplex Stainless Steels
- Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels
Chapter 11 - Properties of Metallic Materials, Part III
- Nickel Alloys
- Titanium Alloys
- Copper Alloys
Chapter 12 - Properties of Non-Metallic Materials
- Plastics
- Elastomers
- Natural Rubber
- Synthetic Rubber
- Composites
- Fiber Reinforcement Properties
- Polymer Matrix Properties
- Polymer Matrix Composite Properties
- Polymer Matrix Composite Fabrication
- Metal Matrix Composites
Appendix A - Anti-Corrosion Guidelines for Naval Avionic Systems
- Fluid Intrusion
- Corrosion Attack
- Bimetallic (Galvanic) Couples
- Metals Most Commonly Used in Avionic Systems
- Corrosive Environment
- Fluids Associated with Avionic Equipment
- Areas of Potential Fluid Penetration
- Materials That Can Lead to Corrosion
- Examples of Corrosive Action
- Sealing Equipment with RTV
- Recommended Design Practice—DOs and DON'Ts
Summary and Final Review
Award of certificates for successful completion
Click for a printable course outline (pdf).