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Real System Configurations (194)
Chapter Outline
Chapter 11, Course 196 - Real System Configurations (Vibration and Shock Test Control Techniques)
- The “Fundamental” Component(s)
- Minimum, Single-Channel System
- Single-Channel System with A-A Filter
- Multi-Channel .. A/D Per Channel
- Multi-Channel .. Minimum Multiplexed System
- Multi-Channel ..Differential Multiplexer
- Amplifier-Per-Channel Multiplexed System
- Amp/Filter-Per-Channel Multiplexed System
- Simultaneous Sample-and-Hold System
- Oversampling/Sigma Delta Converter System
- Transient Recorders/Digital Oscilloscopes
- Transient Recorder “Feature” .. Pre-Trigger
- “Transient Recorder” Extensions
Video Outline
Real System Configurations